sBDS V3.6: Battle Breach with Robust Hands

If preventing malware from getting on the network is the objective for edge protection, then what Server Breach Detection System (sBDS) do is be a second and reliable line of defense, catching malware that manages to dodge firewalls and access controls. With Hillstone’s sBDS solution, our intranet can be protected more robustly.

Hillstone Networks is delighted to announce the release of our Network Detection and Response (NDR) solution, Hillstone Server Breach Detection System (sBDS) version 3.6. The new version introduces the virtualized models and provides more powerful integration capability and comprehensive abnormal detection.

Make Virtualized Deployment Possible

Virtualized platforms allow for better allocation and utilization of hardware resources, allowing the target system to operate in a separate, distinct, and secure environment free from device interference and cost constraints. In V3.6, sBDS provides two virtual platforms supported by VMware and KVM – IV04 and IV08, with 1.5 Gbps and 3 Gbps throughput, respectively. Virtualization of sBDS offers additional options for multiple scenarios, helping you get the most value from current deployment structure.

Integration with iSource – Share Threat Events

Threat events shared by branches are one of the channels for headquarters to supervise them. And when the information captured by sBDSs in branches is complex, how to send it systematically? With the cascade model in V3.6, sBDS can filter events based on different severities and send the needed ones to the Hillstone iSource – Extended Detection and Response (XDR) platform. Large organizations will find it useful as it helps to understand the network security posture effectively.

Integration with iSource – Synchronize Application Information

Application information, such as upstream and downstream rates, and new sessions, among others, reflect the usage of the application and act as a “window” into the real-time status of the intranet. In sensor mode of sBDS since version 3.6, application information can be synchronized with data flow to Hillstone iSource. It can not only help to ensure that the traffic passing through is harmless, but also get a deep visibility into applications.

Keep Abnormal Behavior from Running Amok

We have identified a trend: seemingly normal behavior gets manipulated to work in concert for malicious purposes. In V3.6, sBDS introduces the detection of two “normal” behaviors: one is the out-of-list endpoints, and the other one is the out-of-range access between servers. We are on high alert for the possible attacks caused by them – regarding the two as abnormal, sBDS can choose strategies to either track continuously or block immediately. For closed networks with existing assets and fixed access paths, it can be useful to protect the assets and provide them with a stable environment.

Hillstone sBDS incorporates the industry’s advanced detection technology to comprehensively monitor servers and hosts, tracking and analyzing known and unknown threats. Moreover, the integration with other products in the Hillstone portfolio creates an ecosystem that can help you quickly target and defeat all obstacles that should not be present in your network environment.

For more information, please contact us.


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